
Digital Earth Pacific (DEP) Data Access Documentation

Documentation of Digital Earth Pacific data organisation and access mechanisms via AWS Open Data Program.

Data Organisation

Digital Earth Pacific’s earth observation derived products are made accessible via the following integration services :

Product Type Data Format Service
Cloud Optimised GeoTiffs (COGs) Raster STAC, WMS, WCS
Coastlines Multi-Year PolyLines Vector WFS, WMS

Data Descriptions

The data service URLs in this document will change in the near future, please refer back here for updated links and information.

STAC item records for the following COG products are available at DEP STAC Catalog Browser.

The includes data descriptions for the following DEP products:

Product Temporal Scale STAC Collection Name
Water Observations from Space (WoFS) 2013-2021 dep_ls_wofs
Mangroves Extent and Density 2017-202 dep_s2_mangroves
Sentinel-2 GeoMAD 2017-2023 dep_s2_geomad
LandSat GeoMAD ? dep_ls_geomad
Sentinel 1 Cloudless Mosaics 2017-2023 dep_s1_mosaic

The DEP Coastlines Product from 2000-2023 is available via WFS and WMS services via DEP GeoServer.

Data Access Tutorials

Jupyter, Python and PySTAC-Client

STAC data items can be queried, visualised and/or downloaded using PySTAC-Client API within the DEP Analytical Hub or local Python/Jupyter environment.

The full STAC API for Digital Earth Pacific is documentated at DEP STAC API.

Below is an example for querying, plotting and downloading DEP Managroves Extent and Density product at a particular area of interest across all years.

from pystac_client import Client
from odc.stac import load
import xarray as xr
import numpy as np
import odc.geo 

catalog = ""
collection = "dep_s2_mangroves" # collection_name

# Define Coordinates
lower_left = (-10.590125, 149.844629)
upper_right = (-10.360110, 150.195631)

bbox = (lower_left[1], lower_left[0], upper_right[1], upper_right[0])

# Find STAC Items
client =
items =[collection], bbox=bbox).items()
items = [i for i in items]
print(f"Found {len(items)} items")

# Load STAC Items
config = {
    collection: {
        "assets": {
            "mangroves": {"data_type": "int16"}
data = load(items, bbox=bbox, bands=["mangroves"], stac_cfg=config)

# Plot Mangroves
    levels=[0, 1, 2, 3],
    colors=["white", "yellow", "green", "darkgreen"],

# Save Mangroves as COG Tiles
for idx, x in enumerate(data): + "_" + str(idx) + ".tif", driver="COG")

A comprehensive tutorial on using PySTAC Client is available at

OGC Web Services (GeoServer)

DEP data is also available as WMS, WFS and WCS services, and can be visualised using GIS desktop tools such as QGIS.

For QGIS, relevant web service links below can be registered and used without authenication via the Data Source Manager.


The QGIS STAC API Browser plugin can be used to query and visualise DEP earth observations COG products within QGIS.

To install the plugin, follow the below steps.

After launching the from the menu STAC API Browser Plugin > Open STAC API Browser register the following connection to access DEP products.

URL  :

Coastlines Data Download

The latest iteration of the DEP multi-year coastlines change data can be downloaded in GeoPackage format from AWS S3 Storage.


For support and assistance on DEP data access, please contact